jueves, 11 de abril de 2019

Jupyter Notebook-Centric Development (Cloud Next '19)

Jupyter Notebook is a relatively new tool that does not have many best practices and processes built around it. In Google, we have developed a set of services that allows everyone to get the best of the world of software development (continuous integration, versioning, scheduled execution on cluster) and apply it to the Jupyter Notebook-centric development process. In this talk, we will showcase how Jupyter Notebook, without any changes, can be submitted for the “overnight” training or used with a continuous integration system to run periodic functional tests. We will also look at the best development practices for the team that is heavily utilizing notebooks. Repeatable GCP Environments → https://bit.ly/2TVAYlB Watch more: Next '19 ML & AI Sessions here → https://bit.ly/Next19MLandAI Next ‘19 All Sessions playlist → https://bit.ly/Next19AllSessions Subscribe to the G Suite Channel → https://bit.ly/G-Suite1 Speaker(s): Viacheslav Kovalevskyi, Michael Cheng Session ID: MLAI203 product:Compute Engine,GCE - Managed Instance Groups,GCE - Autoscaler,GCE - Recommendations; fullname:Mykola Komarevskyy,Cezary Piekacz; http://bit.ly/2uWsHUj G Suite April 10, 2019 at 09:13PM

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